
Support our mission to promote great business journalism.

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Large donations will be invested ethically to support the work of the foundation.

Join: We’re also open to members, allowing you to become part of the project. Membership will start at £7 or $10 dollars a month with reductions for students or members of a journalists’ union. In future we hope to provide our members with access to exclusive supplements to the stories we back; long-form audio and video interviews with key figures in the field about their values and ideas for the future; discounted entry to events co-sponsored with our partners, and tie-ins with our partners such as discounts on online subscriptions.

Crucially you’ll also play a role in running the foundation and debating the key issues it covers.

We think being a member will be great, but we’ll make sure we channel the vast majority of the money we get to great business stories, not admin or bells and whistles.

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